Monday, September 24, 2012

Cooking Is Easy When You Know What To Do

Have you ever sat down at the dinner table and faced a panoply of beautiful, tasty dishes all made by someone else? Do you wonder how they managed to put together such a scrumptious meal? This article will help you become a better cook.

When you are cooking, a good habit to get into is to wash the dishes as soon as you are done with them. Try keeping one side of the sink full of hot water with soap ready to wash dishes. The other should contain rinse water. Your pots and pans will be easier to clean right after use, and they will also be available for use again right away.

Do you regret having to throw out old fruit? Do you think it is accepted practice to salvage the fruit by removing the rotting parts? You should never eat or keep a piece of fruit that has any mold on it. Throw the fruit away as mold can grow beyond just what the eye can see, which could end up making you sick.

It is possible to do a lot of preparation beforehand in order to speed up the cooking process and make it easier. Look through any recipes you make before you begin and prep accordingly, this can save you time before you cook letting you concentrate on your task when the time comes. It is often possible to prepare your ingredients as much as 24 hours ahead of time. More complex recipes become quicker and more fun this way.

Explore the benefits of using a brine in your cooking. Soak turkey, chicken, duck and goose in brine approximately an hour before cooking, and you will create delectable poultry tastes in your dishes.

Have you had trouble trying to figure out exactly how long to grill your meats? A reliable meat thermometer can help you ensure that the meat is properly cooked on the inside. For the most accurate readings, invest in a digital thermometer. If your meat is thicker than 1.5 inches, consider closing the grill lid to reduce grilling time.

Here is a fresh take on oysters. Conventionally, oysters are served raw with a small drizzling of lemon juice, however, there are lots of other ways that you can present them. Put opened oysters on the shell in your broiler pan and cover with some cream. Top your broiler pan with freshly ground pepper and a generous dose of grated Parmesan cheese. Broil this mixture until it bubbles. Another quick and fantastic way to prepare oysters is to saute them. Cover them in a bit of seasoned flour, then fry them in some hot butter for about two minutes until they turn golden brown. You can also bake oysters while still in their shells. Put them into a casserole dish and then add some butter and breadcrumbs over the top. Put in the oven and bake for five minutes at 425 degrees. They are done when the juices on top of each oyster are bubbling. They go great with toasted baguettes.

Make a lot of stock if you are going to make it ahead of time. Make sure that you prepare a large amount of stock so that you will have more than enough to store and use for future kitchen adventures. You can use the stock as a base for all kinds of soups or even casseroles. Allow the stock to cool before freezing it in durable, Ziploc bags.

When sauteing food, don't put too much oil in the pan. The excess moisture can steam the food versus sauteing, minimizing the chances that you will get that crispness you want. Use a low temperature while doing this, too.

Put citrus fruits in the microwave first to get the most out of juicing. Heat your orange, lemon, or other fruits for around ten seconds in the microwave. Roll the fruit across the counter until it cools off before juicing it.

There are a few different ways to heat tortillas. The first way you can heat tortillas is in the oven. You need to have an oven that is heated to 350 degrees. Place the tortillas on a rack until they are as crispy as you want them to be. An additional option is to place the tortilla on the grill directly, straight above the flame. You're tortilla will be tastier if you cook it that way.

Store herbs and spices in an area that is cool and dark. Their flavors are weakened significantly by things like heat, light and humidity. Usually herbs and ground spices tend to stay fresh for about a year. If kept whole, spices can keep their flavor for up to five years. Keep spices fresh for the longest time possible by storing them correctly.

It can be difficult to figure out how long you need to keep meat on the grill. A well-manufactured meat thermometer, especially a precision digital model, is always a sound method of seeing to it that the inside of your meat is cooked thoroughly. Meat thicker than 1.5 inches should be cooked under a closed grill.

Rub your hands on stainless steel before washing them, if they have a strong smell. You can use your stainless steel sink or a spoon to quickly remove the odor from your hands.

Save some time on the preparation step of cooking. It is sometimes possible to do some preliminary tasks in the days preceding the actual meal preparation. Sometimes the longer prep time results in deeply flavored dishes. Once you get used to prepping ahead of time, you will always do it.

It is vital for cooks to have their supplies organized when cooking. If your supplies are disorganized, you will waste time running around trying to find everything. Save time searching by keeping similar items stored together. As an example, you may want to keep all of your spices together.

Wait a few minutes before you serve a meal to allow the food to sit for a bit. A lot of people do not wait long enough before serving food. It can be tempting to serve a meal straight off the grill. If you do this, you'll miss out on the meat's full flavor. It's also important that the food simply cools down and rests for awhile for flavor's sake. Give it a few minutes, and it should be ready to go.

Frozen sweet corn is good; however, you can spice it up with just a few easy ingredients. For a new taste that both kids and adults are sure to enjoy, add coconut flakes to the corn for a dish that is Thai-inspired and surprisingly delicious.

If you have to season food while cooking it, add some in timed intervals rather than all of it at the start of cooking. This adds a more subtle and deep flavor to your food and enhances the flavors of other ingredients to the utmost.

While you are cooking, it's a great idea to clean the dishes as you go. Keep soapy water on one side of the sink and use the other side to rinse your dishes. Utensils and mixing bowls can wash up quickly, and you will have them ready to use again as you prepare additional courses of the meal.

Do you ever hesitate to toss moldy food? Do you wonder if you can still use the fruit by simply cutting out the part that seems overripe? Unfortunately, there is no healthy way of saving half rotten fruit. They need to be thrown out, due to the fact that mold is much deeper than just skin level and could make you or anyone who eats it very ill.

As previously stated, cooking skills are easily attained and mastered. It only takes your desire to learn and a time comittment. By taking the tips you have learned here and applying them to your own cooking, you will be on your way to moving about the kitchen with ease. With the right attitude, cooking can be quite fun.

Friday, September 21, 2012

How You Can Get More Comfortable With Your Kitchen

If you are just getting started learning how to cook, remember that everyone must start with the basics. Not everyone has a natural ability to cook. However, cooking is a skill that can be taught to all. There are things that every cook should know that helps them to become better at making a good meal. This article provides valuable guidance that will help you on your road to becoming an exceptional cook.

What you want to do when cooking pumpkins is to first stand it upright, then slice it in half right down the middle. Put both sides of the pumpkin face down on a baking sheet. Lightly sprinkle a bit of water over the pans, then bake the pumpkin for about one hour in an oven heated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sauteing vegetables is an extremely healthy method of cooking them. Consider adding chicken broth for some added flavor. The broth adds flavor to them, while reducing oil that is usually used for sauteing. This is an easy, delicious way to prepare veggies for you meal.

To make juicing citrus fruits more productive, look no further than your microwave oven. Heat up your citrus fruits for about ten seconds. Once you take it out, roll it on your counter and then cut it to begin the juicing process.

Cut cinnamon rolls easily. It's easy to make a mess of a freshly-prepared cinnamon roll when you slice it up for baking. To ease the process, simply put heavy thread beneath the prepared rolls in the position where the cut should be. Pull the thread upwards and cross the two ends, then pull quickly. This will lead to perfect slices every time!

Before cooking with an unfamiliar fruit or vegetable, read up on what you can do with it. When you've done some research, you might be surprised to learn how versatile a particular new food is. Becoming knowledgeable should precede any work you do in the kitchen, and it will also help in giving you a more enjoyable cooking experience.

To add additional flavoring to items such as mashed potatoes or soup, use chicken or even beef stock in place of the water. Alternately, you can use bouillon in the water called for in the recipe. Each of these suggestions provides the proper amount of moisture for your food while still giving it a bit of extra flavor.

Bundle your fresh herbs together and cut the appropriate amount off with scissors. By using this technique you can chop many herbs in a short amount of time, and they will be much lighter and fluffier, without the wetness that you get when using a knife.

Planning and preparing a large meal can feel completely overwhelming. Do all the preparation the night before, instead of letting yourself panic the day of the event. Your prep work might involve cutting up vegetables, measuring ingredients, and marinading meats.

You should try and dry your tomatoes on your own. Simply cut them into 1/2 half inch slices, or cut lengthwise for Romas. Lay your tomato slices across a cooling rack with the cut-side facing up, and salt them lightly. Next, position a full rack on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 190 degrees. Dry for approximately 10 hours. Place the tomatoes into a freezer bag, and freeze them for later use. You can also pack dried tomatoes in a jar with fresh herbs and olive oil. The tomatoes will need to be refrigerated and should be consumed within a couple of weeks.

Clean cooking utensils are an absolute necessity when you start any cooking project. If your utensils still have food in them, it can ruin what you are trying to cook. There is a possibility this may introduce bacteria into the food.

A great starting point when looking to expand your cooking repertoire is your local library or bookstore. Look for cookbooks which contain basic and simple recipes for you to practice and have fun preparing. Experiment with a few, and be patient; remember, you're learning new skills.

Dark greens are healthy to eat, but they are a pain to prepare. The stems can be hard to remove. To simplify things, fold it in two lengthwise and then break the stem from the middle. If you prefer, you can slice the stem off the folded leaf using a knife. When the leaf is unfolded, the stem is gone.

Keep your supplies and utensils well organized. An unorganized kitchen is an unhappy kitchen. You will have difficulty finding what you want to make your delicious recipes. Store similar items together in the same place. For example, since basil and parsley are both spices, put them in the same cabinet.

Fresh herbs in a meal are delicious. Bunch them together and then use a pair of scissors to snip them. This is preferable to chopping the herbs because they will be less moisture laden, making them lighter and fluffier.

Choose utensils made from nylon, silicone, or rubber when cooking with non-stick cookware. Utensils that are harder, such as ones made of wooden or metal, can gouge or scratch the nonstick coating, which decreases the pan's effectiveness and possibly lets the coating flake into the food. The coating could then flake off into your food and this is dangerous.

Use high-quality utensils to cut with in the kitchen. Nobody wants to use dull knives, as they can take over twice the time to chop up ingredients, and they are more dangerous than sharp ones. This is due to the fact that there is a higher rate of accidents when using dull utensils.

Use spices after cooking. Salt and pepper are everyday seasonings, but a little garlic, ginger, or cayenne can add an interesting zest to a prepared meal. A lot of people have different preferences in taste when choosing spices. Instead of adding spices while you are cooking, let people season their own food after you have served it. This way, everyone can make the dish truly theirs.

Buy fish and meat on the bone. Store the bones in a sealed plastic bag in the freezer.

While you are cooking, it's a great idea to clean the dishes as you go. Keep soapy water on one side of the sink and use the other side to rinse your dishes. Utensils and mixing bowls can wash up quickly, and you will have them ready to use again as you prepare additional courses of the meal.

Do you ever hesitate to toss moldy food? Do you wonder if you can still use the fruit by simply cutting out the part that seems overripe? Unfortunately, there is no healthy way of saving half rotten fruit. They need to be thrown out, due to the fact that mold is much deeper than just skin level and could make you or anyone who eats it very ill.

These are great tips that will transform your cooking from boring to fun. It is quite possible for cooking to be a deliciously fun way to learn about food. You will also find out more about your tastes and preferences. As you choose the dishes you wish to cook and the kinds of meals you wish to create, you will see a new aspect of your personality.

Cook Like A Chef With These Tips

Although everyone has to eat, not everyone knows how to make food. This article can help you to become a great cook. Do not be intimidated by your kitchen, recipes, or ingredients. Preparing tasty meals is something that anyone can do, and it's fun too! You should have fun with these tips and should not worry about making an exquisite mess in your kitchen every so often.

When using garlic in your cooking, always purchase the freshest garlic possible. Fresh garlic has a sweeter taste than old garlic. If it isn't soft, bruised or shriveled and it has some firm skin then you know that the garlic is fresh.

You must read the food labels when you're purchasing ingredients for any given recipe. This will help you avoid unhealthy ingredients. Some things to check for include high levels of sugar or sodium, as both are common contributors to many health problems.

Always take good care of your wooden cutting board. A cutting board made from wood can crack and warp if it is exposed to excessive moisture, heat and dryness. Do not immerse the cutting board in water, instead, clean it using a sponge and warm water. If you have a damaged cutting board, you should purchase an oil product that is designed for cutting board restoration. It should be completely dry before its next use.

Put a little bit of salt on your cutting board before chopping fresh herbs. This adds flavor and keeps the herbs on the board. If you add the salt to your cutting board, reduce the salt in the recipe by the same amount, so that you don't add too much salt to your dish. Any salt on your cutting board can stick to the herbs you are chopping and enhance their flavor.

Use sharp knives to prepare your favorite meals. Dull knives are more dangerous to use and they are less productive as well. You will be more apt to cut yourself with a dull knife than a sharp knife, as you'll spend a lot more time trying to force that dull knife through the food you are cutting.

Try using brine to change-up meals. Any poultry can be put in a brine for roughly an hour, to greatly improve the flavors in your meal.

You can prepare some of the ingredients for a dish the night before so that you can avoid becoming overwhelmed when you have to cook your family dinner. Cut up ingredients the night before you plan on cooking a meal to save some time. When you decide to cook the following day you'll have less to do and become less stressed, this lets you focus on your main cooking tasks.

Always use soft, not melted butter when you are making cookies. If your butter is melted, however, harden it a little bit by freezing it for a couple of minutes. Your dough will spread the right amount if the dough is cooler.

Boost the flavor of anything from soup to mashed potatoes by replacing the water in the recipe or directions with beef or chicken stock. Alternately, you can use bouillon in the water called for in the recipe. This gives the food you are cooking the necessary amount of moisture while also adding another level to the taste profile.

Use a meat thermometer to make sure that you are cooking your meats properly. All types of meat should be cooked to a specific, minimum internal temperature before it can be safely consumed. Bacteria loves meat and you could ingest it if you do not cook it properly, it could cause you to become sick.

Try putting a little ketchup in the batter when you are frying foods. You can either dip your food in ketchup once it is cooked, or before adding breadcrumbs. Ketchup will add an unexpected tangy element to fried food and will prompt your friends to ask for your secret.

Use both the timer on your oven and a timer that can be carried with you, such as the type found on a watch. By using your watch timer, you will always have it with you and will hear the alarm regardless of where you are.

Popular French fried potato recipes suggest soaking the potatoes in water for 30 minutes before cooking them. Allowing the sliced potatoes to soak up more cold fluids helps to reinforce the fibers that are in the vegetable, that way when they are deep fried, they are better able to stand up to the heat and won't completely break down.

Always follow the recipe, even going so far as to select the potatoes specified. These vegetables are defined in three ways, either mealy, waxy or all-purpose, so choose accordingly. Potatoes that are described as mealy have a texture that is dry and somewhat crumbly. This is the type of potato best used for mashed potatoes. A common mealy potato is the russet. Yukon gold potatoes are "all-purpose", which means they are suitable for most dishes. Those with a seemingly waxy outer coat stand up better if you plan to boil or steam your potatoes. Plain red and white potatoes are typical waxy potatoes.

Herbs and spices need to be kept in a dry, cool area, away from light. Spices will rapidly lose flavor if exposed to heat, light or humidity. Constant exposure to these elements will ruin herbs and spices.

Replacing some of your mashed potatoes with equal amounts of cauliflower is a healthy alternative, reducing fat and calories. Cauliflower tends to have a bland taste, so this will blend nicely with the potatoes, and will pick up other ingredients, as well. Cauliflower has the same texture and color as potatoes, offering you a perfect way to add another vegetable to your dish while cutting calories.

It is always better to choose fresh ingredients for your recipes instead of dried or frozen ones. Try to use as many fresh ingredients as you can, because they will bring out a lot more flavor in your dish, and they can be a lot less expensive in the long run as well.

Make your own sun-dried tomatoes. Just slice them when ripe to about 1/2" thickness. Put them facing upwards onto a cooling rack and add a little salt. Put the rack on a baking sheet, and slow-bake in an oven that is set to 190 degrees for about 10 hours. Place them in the freezer in plastic bags. Another option is to store dried tomatoes in a jar that contains fresh, flavorful herbs and olive oil. The tomatoes will need to be refrigerated and should be consumed within a couple of weeks.

While you are cooking, it's a great idea to clean the dishes as you go. Keep soapy water on one side of the sink and use the other side to rinse your dishes. Utensils and mixing bowls can wash up quickly, and you will have them ready to use again as you prepare additional courses of the meal.

Do you ever hesitate to toss moldy food? Do you wonder if you can still use the fruit by simply cutting out the part that seems overripe? Unfortunately, there is no healthy way of saving half rotten fruit. They need to be thrown out, due to the fact that mold is much deeper than just skin level and could make you or anyone who eats it very ill.

The art of cooking can be a hobby, an asset and even a source of income. There are so many ways of preparing food, and you should learn all you can from the people that are best at it. Use these tips and see how successful you can be in the kitchen.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Slow-Cooker Tips and Recipes

Learning to cook can be very difficult. This article contains a collection of culinary tips that will have you producing delicious dishes in no time.

If using oil in your cooking, pour it in the pan in an area away from the food. By the time the oil reaches the food it has been heated up and is ready to roll. Hot oil adds more flavor to the food, giving you the tastiest results when you're finished.

You must read the food labels when you're purchasing ingredients for any given recipe. This will help you avoid unhealthy ingredients. Some things to check for include high levels of sugar or sodium, as both are common contributors to many health problems.

Think about making your own stock for more flavor. Store extra stock in bags in the freezer that are resealable. By freezing stock, you ensure that you have tasty homemade stock ready to add to any dish. By making and having your own stock on hand, you will know it doesn't contain preservatives.

They will act somewhat like a sponge that soaks up all the water. You should use a clean, wet cloth and wipe the mushroom off by hand.

Rinse and dry your onions if you are using them in a salsa you are making that will not be eaten in 20 minutes or less. The sulfurous gas in onions makes the food nasty. Your fresh salsa will be ruined by this gas. Rinsing and drying the onions gets rid of the gas.

The best way to cook any roast quickly is to simply not go through the trouble of taking out the bone. The meat cooks faster because the bone will carry the heat through the inside of the roast, helping it cook from the inside out. After the roast is cooked, just slice around the bone to serve.

After your Thanksgiving meal, don't throw away turkey leftovers. What you want to do with them is slice the meat, put it in a freezer friendly tupperware, and stick it into the freezer. This will keep the turkey fresh enough to make salads and sandwiches for a couple of weeks.

This can be fixed quite easily by using the following tip. Chop and peel some raw potatoes and then allow them to simmer in that sauce for around 15 minutes. The potatoes will take in all the extra salt. For tomato dishes, add more tomatoes for lowering the saltiness and cook until tender.

If you have time when you are reheating food, use an oven rather than a microwave to avoid dry food and puddles of extremely hot liquid. Microwaving can cause oil to splatter. As the oil heats, it moves away from the rest of the ingredients in the dish, resulting in a mess. Reheating foods in the oven allows everything to heat more consistently, keeping the ingredients blended and the flavors intact.

When preparing to barbecue, make sure you light the charcoal in your grill ahead of time. Prepare the grill approximately half an hour prior to putting the food on. They will be perfect when they are ash covered and giving off medium heat. This is the best temperature to begin grilling.

Keep spices in a dark and cool place. Shelf life can be significantly decreased for those spices which have been exposed to too much light, dampness and heat. Try to find a cool, dark cupboard if you want to increase the flavor and lifespan of your favorite spices. This will help every meal that you prepare taste better.

Don't start cooking until your preparations are finished. This can help you avoid too much heat or gas when you cook, and can also make it safer to cook with a hot pan, oil, or other dangers that could harm you if you're distracted.

Many individuals enjoy cooking with apples when it is cooler outside, but if stored improperly, they will no longer be usable. Warm, dry air will make apples rot, so keep them in the fridge or cellar in plastic bags. Cull bad apples from the bag to avoid rotting more of them.

Fresh herbs in a meal are delicious. Bunch them together and then use a pair of scissors to snip them. This is preferable to chopping the herbs because they will be less moisture laden, making them lighter and fluffier.

It's important to be creative while cooking. Feel free to adapt a recipe to suit your particular needs. There are times when adding or subtracting things from a recipe can take the taste to new heights when compared to the original. That makes a person a great cook!

When you are cooking beans that are dry, wait until the beans are soft. Both of these substances can prevent your beans from becoming softer as they cook, especially if the beans are old to begin with. If you are looking for the perfect texture, hold off on the seasonings till the beans are soft.

Homemade stock adds lots of flavor. It is possible to utilize resealable bags to store any excess in the freezer if you prepare large quantities. Doing so will provide you with an abundance of custom, home-produced stock, readily available for creating soups and other dishes. By making and having your own stock on hand, you will know it doesn't contain preservatives.

Make your own sun-dried tomatoes. Just slice them when ripe to about 1/2" thickness. Put them facing upwards onto a cooling rack and add a little salt. Put the rack on a baking sheet, and slow-bake in an oven that is set to 190 degrees for about 10 hours. Place them in the freezer in plastic bags. Another option is to store dried tomatoes in a jar that contains fresh, flavorful herbs and olive oil. The tomatoes will need to be refrigerated and should be consumed within a couple of weeks.

When making a stir-fry meal, meat should always be thinly sliced, and cut on the bias. Very often this is difficult to master and takes a lot of time. Take the meat out as soon its gets firm (not frozen), then cut it across the grain at a forty-five degree angle.

Do you ever hesitate to toss moldy food? Do you wonder if you can still use the fruit by simply cutting out the part that seems overripe? Unfortunately, there is no healthy way of saving half rotten fruit. They need to be thrown out, due to the fact that mold is much deeper than just skin level and could make you or anyone who eats it very ill.

As your cooking abilities improve, start using more complex recipes. Hopefully you now see that cooking really doesn't have to be as complicated, and intimidating as you once thought. Your dishes will now be enjoyed by everyone.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Great Tips To Use A Slow-Cooker At Home

While cooking is a necessity, it may also be a fun activity. We can all learn how to enjoy cooking if we know some of the good advice that makes it a pleasure and not a chore. You will be able to use the information in the article below to create culinary masterpieces that you never thought possible.

When baking a cake, be sure not to over or under cook it. The recommended cooking times can give beginner bakers a general idea of how long to bake the cake, but these guidelines can be inaccurate because elevation and other factors have to be taken into account when determining how long to leave the cake in the oven. Sticking a toothpick in the center of the cake is a time proven test for doneness. If it is covered in batter, your cake is not done yet. Wait until the toothpick comes out clean.

The best way to cook any roast quickly is to simply not go through the trouble of taking out the bone. The meat will cook a lot faster as the bone will heat it up internally. As soon as your roast has finished, simply slice around the bone before you serve.

Color plays an important part in cooking. It is both appealing to the eyes and healthier to your body. Colorful foods like cherry tomatoes, carrots, cilantro or parsley make fun and healthy garnishments. If you use color, people will want to eat your foods.

They will act somewhat like a sponge that soaks up all the water. You should use a clean, wet cloth and wipe the mushroom off by hand.

Raw potatoes should rest in chilly water for approximately 30 minutes. This will help them to be crispy and delicious. The fibers of raw cut potatoes that have been soaked in cold water prior to hitting the deep fryer, are stronger and can handle the heat better without breakage.

Here is a fresh take on oysters. Conventionally, oysters are served raw with a small drizzling of lemon juice, however, there are lots of other ways that you can present them. Put opened oysters on the shell in your broiler pan and cover with some cream. Top your broiler pan with freshly ground pepper and a generous dose of grated Parmesan cheese. Broil this mixture until it bubbles. Another quick and fantastic way to prepare oysters is to saute them. Cover them in a bit of seasoned flour, then fry them in some hot butter for about two minutes until they turn golden brown. You can also bake oysters while still in their shells. Put them into a casserole dish and then add some butter and breadcrumbs over the top. Put in the oven and bake for five minutes at 425 degrees. They are done when the juices on top of each oyster are bubbling. They go great with toasted baguettes.

Don't panic, you can fix that ripped or torn pie crust. Many times your pie dough will develop cracks if it has been overworked. You can sprinkle cold water around the cracks, then gently dab the pie dough with a finger. If you notice cracking in the upper crust, use a pastry brush to apply a milk wash to repair it; you can further disguise the cracks with a sprinkling of coarse sugar. This way, your crust will look glazed once it comes out of the oven.

When sauteing food, don't put too much oil in the pan. The excess moisture can steam the food versus sauteing, minimizing the chances that you will get that crispness you want. Use a low temperature while doing this, too.

Garlic is delicious; however the pungent aroma will get stuck on your hands. After using garlic or other foods with odors that stick to your hands, all you need to do is rub your hands on a piece of stainless steel, like your sink. This will clean your hands, while preventing any odors from being transferred to the next food item you touch.

Try to play with a variety of spices and sauces to help you come up with new and interesting flavors for your food. By adding Different herbs, spices and marinades, you can change a tried-and-true recipe into something new and exciting. Shop at ethnic stores to find sauces or spices you have never tried before.

Store herbs and spices in an area that is cool and dark. Their flavors are weakened significantly by things like heat, light and humidity. Usually herbs and ground spices tend to stay fresh for about a year. If kept whole, spices can keep their flavor for up to five years. Keep spices fresh for the longest time possible by storing them correctly.

When playing with spices, try some saffron. Saffron offers a very unique flavor that cannot be copied with other spices. Saffron is a great ancient spice that is still quite delightful. It's highly sought after, and is the most pricey spice globally.

You can add a bit of flare to your corn left on the cob and dinner rolls by simply making up some flavored butter. Bring the butter to room temperature, or put it in the microwave for a few seconds to make it soft. Then, give it some zing by adding spices, herbs or sauces. Lemon juice, chipotles, BBQ and honey are some things to try.

There are a variety of ways to prepare fresh oysters. Most people eat oysters raw with lemon juice, but you can serve them in other ways. Cover open oysters with cream and place them, including shells, onto a broiler pan. Cover them with a dash of Parmesan cheese and fresh pepper and broil them until you see bubbles. You can also prepare oysters by sauteing them. Dredge oysters with a touch of flour seasoned to your liking. Fry the oysters in hot butter until they take a golden tone. Prepare oysters then bake inside their shells. Put them in a baking dish, add fresh breadcrumbs and a small dab of butter on each oyster, then bake four or five minutes at 425 degrees. Once the juices are sizzling away, serve hot with crunchy, toasted baguette bread.

When you will be cooking a pumpkin, stand it up and then slice it down the middle. Take both halves with the cut sides down and place on different baking sheets to bake. The next step is putting a little bit of water on your baking sheets, you then want to bake the pumpkins at around 350 degrees Fahrenheit periodically checking them for about an hour.

By completing some food preparation ahead of time you can simplify your cooking process. Look at your recipes before starting and clue in on the steps that can be done ahead of time without having any spoilage issues. There are many recipes where you can do the prep work the day before you start cooking. In this manner, even complicated recipes become simple and easy meals.

Fresh fruits like avocados, bananas, pears, peaches, and apples may turn brown if left exposed to air. Dipping the fruit in a mixture of salt water and lemon will help to stop the fruit from browning. Cut fruits can also be dipped in pineapple juice for a similar effect. A brief submersion will be effective, so soaking the food is not needed.

Fresh herbs and other kinds of seasonings can help spice up even the simplest dish. Sometimes dried prepacked herbs like oregano and parsley are acceptable because the complexity of a dish allows for the lack of freshness to not be as distinguishable. On the other hand, fresher herbs invoke more vibrant and fresh tastes. You can give your food fresh, homemade herbs by creating your own small herb garden in your yard.

It is important to maintain a wooden cutting board properly. Excess moisture, heat and dryness may cause a wooden chopping board to split and warp. Don't submerge your board in water to clean it. Use a sponge and warm soapy water instead. Bring a damaged wood board back to life with regular oiling, using only oil made for cutting boards. Store in a cool dry place until the product has completely dried.

Do you ever hesitate to toss moldy food? Do you wonder if you can still use the fruit by simply cutting out the part that seems overripe? Unfortunately, there is no healthy way of saving half rotten fruit. They need to be thrown out, due to the fact that mold is much deeper than just skin level and could make you or anyone who eats it very ill.

Now you can become a better chef with these tips in hand. With these tips, you can experiment to make many new delicious meals. There are some many great foods to choose from and culinary recipes that can make cooking interesting and fun.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bring Out Your Inner Chef: Cooking Tips And Ideas

Good food can be considered many different things. Look for ways to use these tips to improve your cooking skills.

When making a stir-fry meal, meat should always be thinly sliced, and cut on the bias. However, this can take a lot of time while also being very tricky. Take the cut of meat out when it is a bit firm but has not become frozen and begin to slice it across the grain diagonally.

Wooden skewers should be soaked in plain water before each use for an absolute minimum of thirty minutes. This helps them avoid burning when you cook. To ensure that the food doesn't fall off the skewer, use two skewers for each item.

Place any unripened fruit that you buy in a plastic bag that is perforated. As some fruits become more ripe, they can produce ethylene gas. When you keep these fruits in aerated bags, the gas that might normally build up and be trapped is released and allows the fruit to maintain freshness longer.

Get your ingredients squared away ahead of time. It is important to have all the prep work done before you start cooking. Cooking with a deadline to meet can become stressful. Get everything prepared at least a day ahead of time.

Cook your vegetables quickly to retain quality and nutrients. Slow-cooked vegetables lose nutritional value and taste. The quick cook methods generally make the vegetables tastier and more nutritional. So in summary, cook your vegetables for the shortest amount of time possible.

Try using brine to change-up meals. Any poultry can be put in a brine for roughly an hour, to greatly improve the flavors in your meal.

If you love using herbs and spices, make sure to keep them stored someplace that is dark and cool to maintain their freshness and flavor. Spices and herbs lose their flavor when they are stored in warm areas.

Believe it or not, there's quite a bit of variation among different types of potatoes. You can make potato salad with waxy potatoes, but you should use a different kind for fries or mashed potatoes. When making those foods, potatoes which are fluffy, like Russets, are best.

When cooking potato skins or twice baked potatoes, always use the kind with a thick skin such as a russet. Red potatoes are too thin-skinned to hold up to a dense filling.

Not all potatoes are the same, and if you substitute one type of potato for another, your dish may not come out like you expected. There are certain types of potatoes that are waxy, which are fine for boiled potatoes and potato salad, but are pretty awful for French fries, baked potatoes, and mashed potatoes. When your potatoes will be used for these purposes, choose a fluffy variety, such as a Russet.

Blot the ground meat that you are using before cooking it. If your meal includes ground meat, then blotting the moisture is especially important. Any moisture left on the meat will be released when the meat is cooked. All the moisture will vaporize out. This is undesirable, since the meat will technically steam, instead of searing.

Try to do preparations for tomorrows meal the night before to save time and make cooking a breeze. Cut up ingredients the night before you plan on cooking a meal to save some time. With this done, you will have a major portion of the meal ready for the next step, which means less stress for you.

Don't throw away any leftovers from your turkey. Instead of tossing out the leftovers, store them in a container that is airtight and place in the freezer. This will help the turkey to stay fresh over the next few weeks so that you can make sandwiches with the leftovers.

There are a variety of ways to prepare fresh oysters. Most people eat oysters raw with lemon juice, but you can serve them in other ways. Cover open oysters with cream and place them, including shells, onto a broiler pan. Cover them with a dash of Parmesan cheese and fresh pepper and broil them until you see bubbles. You can also prepare oysters by sauteing them. Dredge oysters with a touch of flour seasoned to your liking. Fry the oysters in hot butter until they take a golden tone. Prepare oysters then bake inside their shells. Put them in a baking dish, add fresh breadcrumbs and a small dab of butter on each oyster, then bake four or five minutes at 425 degrees. Once the juices are sizzling away, serve hot with crunchy, toasted baguette bread.

When serving a salad for guests that accompanies a meal, avoid pouring dressing on it. Leave the dressing on the side instead. This will allow your guests to control how much dressing they want to put on their salad. You should also provide a large variety of dressings to serve your guests.

Garlic can add a tremendous amount of flavor to your food. However, when you are cutting and chopping fresh garlic, it can also leave its odor on your hands. If you have a stainless steel sink or other utensil, rub your hands over the inside of the sink to remove the smell. This works for onions as well. The steel will clean your hands and remove the smell. You can buy stainless steel "soaps" at your local kitchen store to keep on hand.

You need to follow instructions exactly when making macaroni and cheese. Remember that the makers of your mac and cheese designed these instructions with the best possible result in mind. Solid faced spoons are great for serving up macaroni and cheese. You can add more flavor to your dish with pepper, a spoonful of mustard, or additional cheese.

Fresh herbs and other kinds of seasonings can help spice up even the simplest dish. Sometimes dried prepacked herbs like oregano and parsley are acceptable because the complexity of a dish allows for the lack of freshness to not be as distinguishable. On the other hand, fresher herbs invoke more vibrant and fresh tastes. You can give your food fresh, homemade herbs by creating your own small herb garden in your yard.

It is important to maintain a wooden cutting board properly. Excess moisture, heat and dryness may cause a wooden chopping board to split and warp. Don't submerge your board in water to clean it. Use a sponge and warm soapy water instead. Bring a damaged wood board back to life with regular oiling, using only oil made for cutting boards. Store in a cool dry place until the product has completely dried.

Do you ever hesitate to toss moldy food? Do you wonder if you can still use the fruit by simply cutting out the part that seems overripe? Unfortunately, there is no healthy way of saving half rotten fruit. They need to be thrown out, due to the fact that mold is much deeper than just skin level and could make you or anyone who eats it very ill.

Learning to cook while having fun at the same time is almost as rewarding as eating what you prepare. Use those tips to add little additions as you go. Your skills will get better and people will bug you to cook for them!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ideas And Recipes For Using A Slow-Cooker While You Work

Many people see cooking as something bothersome. Here is a compilation of tips and suggestions that can help make cooking enjoyable for you.

If you cooked with a sauce, save the leftover sauce in an ice cube tray that you can freeze. For a quick and easy sauce on another night, simply remove as many cubes as you need and reheat in a pan. Not to worry, it freezes well and is perfectly edible when stored this way.

Consider adding cooling racks that stack t your baking supplies. If you are making a large amount of cookies or baked items, laying them out to cool will take over your kitchen. You can use your space more efficiently by using cooling racks that stack on each other. Instead of taking up horizontal space on your countertop, the cooking racks use vertical space and stay out of your way.

When placing seasoning on meat, try a small piece prior to cooking the whole thing. Meats like meatballs, hamburgers or meatloaf can be easily under or over seasoned. After seasoning the meat, do not cook all of it. Cook a small piece of it first. Once you've done this, you can cook the rest of the meat or add additional seasoning as you see fit.

Rub your hands on stainless steel after you handle smelly foods such as garlic, fish, or onions to get the smell out. It does not matter if you use a spoon, a side of your stainless-steel sink, or a "soap bar" made of stainless-steel; rubbing your hand on it neutralizes the undesirable smell and freshens your hands.

Buy your fish or meat on the bone. Place raw or cooked bones in a strong Ziploc bag and freeze them for later use.

When trying a new seasoning for your meat, season one small piece and sample prior to cooking the entire batch of meat. It is important not to over-season foods such as hamburger, meatballs and other meat-based dishes. Avoid cooking all of it after it's been seasoned. Cook a bit of the mixture before you continue to cook the entire batch to ensure that the seasonings are correct. This gives you the option of cooking the entire meal with this seasoning or altering it according to taste.

Make a lot of stock if you are going to make it ahead of time. Make sure that you prepare a large amount of stock so that you will have more than enough to store and use for future kitchen adventures. You can use the stock as a base for all kinds of soups or even casseroles. Allow the stock to cool before freezing it in durable, Ziploc bags.

Brine is a wonderful way to cook. You can soak your poultry in brine for about an hour before you cook it.

Measure out your cooking oils carefully. Avoid pouring oil directly from the bottle to the pan when you cook, as this will allow you to lower your consumption of fat. In this way, you can be in control of the quantity of oil that goes into your meals.

Add lots of salt to your water for cooking pasta. The salt will hold better while cooking because it is absorbed by the pasta along with the water. Salting cooked pasta will not have the same effect.

Many tasty fruits, such as bananas, apples, pears, peaches, and avocados have an unfortunate tendency to turn brown rapidly after being sliced. It is possible to slow this process by placing the fruit in either lemon or pineapple juice. A small dip works well, so don't go dunking the fruit in the juice.

Enjoy hardy winter greens. Once the ground has frosted once, winter vegetables, including collards, broccoli rabe, and kale, become much sweeter. Only cook the greens that are fresh and colorful, discarding any that are limp or pale hued. Wash your greens carefully before cooking, because they tend to hold quite a bit of soil. Immerse the greens in cold water, shake them off, and then rinse them under running water until all the dirt has been removed.

Rub your hands on stainless steel before washing them, if they have a strong smell. You can use your stainless steel sink or a spoon to quickly remove the odor from your hands.

Save some time on the preparation step of cooking. It is sometimes possible to do some preliminary tasks in the days preceding the actual meal preparation. Sometimes the longer prep time results in deeply flavored dishes. Once you get used to prepping ahead of time, you will always do it.

Use cooking oil when you are measuring out things that are sticky. Before you measure, you will want to coat the spoon lightly with an oil that doesn't have much flavor, like canola oil, then the sticky substance you are measuring will glide off much easier, which will reduce the waste and will make clean up easier. These same methods can be repeated with honey, and peanut butter as well.

You should always organize your cooking supplies. If they aren't organized, you will waste valuable time getting everything together at the last minute. Store similar items together in the same place. For instance, parsley and basil are both spices and should be in the exact same cabinet.

Use paper towels to blot the moisture from the surface of ground meat before cooking. Blot away the excess moisture on all ground meat before cooking. If you do not blot it away, the moisture will come out when the meat is cooked. The moisture will cook away. This leads to the meat getting steamed, instead of what you want, which is to sear it.

If your regular serving of frozen veggies just is not cutting it any longer, shake things up a bit. By stirring some flaked coconut into your corn, you can enjoy a Thai-style dish that everyone will love.

It is important to maintain a wooden cutting board properly. Excess moisture, heat and dryness may cause a wooden chopping board to split and warp. Don't submerge your board in water to clean it. Use a sponge and warm soapy water instead. Bring a damaged wood board back to life with regular oiling, using only oil made for cutting boards. Store in a cool dry place until the product has completely dried.

Do you ever hesitate to toss moldy food? Do you wonder if you can still use the fruit by simply cutting out the part that seems overripe? Unfortunately, there is no healthy way of saving half rotten fruit. They need to be thrown out, due to the fact that mold is much deeper than just skin level and could make you or anyone who eats it very ill.

Food is amazingly powerful; it provides the roots for all life. Use the tips in the article you have just read to bring joy to all the wonderful friends and family in your life!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tricks To Help You Become A Better Cook

Is cooking for the family every night getting old? The idea of cooking a meal for yourself should not be enough to send you in a tailspin! This article provides many tips that can make meal preparation less stressful. When you see how easy cooking can be, you are sure to wonder why you found it so difficult to begin with!

Take the stress out of a major cooking endeavor by completing as much prep work in advance as possible. Browse through your recipes and see what parts can be prepared early, without fear of spoiling. Lots of prep work can be completed the day before cooking. You can turn a fancy meal into a fast, fun meal that can be cooked in a flash!

If you are cooking for an important event, it is a good idea to make a meal that you have made before. You are taking a risk if you want to try something new. This can keep your stress levels in check while you cook.

It is essential to remain organized when cooking, so that you do not burn food or make other blunders. Having an organized cooking area will ensure that you are productive when cooking. Also, organize your refrigerator and pantry to avoid buying unnecessary items that will eventually be thrown out.

When chopping fresh herbs, you should shake some salt on a cutting board. This should add flavor to the herb as well as keep them in place. Don't put too much salt on the board, though. Don't add salt later, either, as there should be enough absorbed when you are chopping. The salt that is added to your dish with the herbs will provide enough flavor.

You can change the flavors of the food you cook by changing up the spice blends that you are using. Add some new spices or find some other sauces to use to marinate or top the foods. Have a look inside some of the ethnic food stores locally, you'll be surprised at the range of sauces and spices that they have available.

Making a simple dish of fried rice is a great way to make use of the leftover meat and vegetables in the refrigerator. Day old rice works best, but fresh will be fine too if you reduce the water a bit to make it drier. Fry your meats and vegetables in some oil. Then add rice and season it.

You should use airtight containers to store flour, baking mixes or sugar in your kitchen. Foods stored in airtight containers remain fresh longer due to lack of exposure to air. In addition, the foods will be protected from insect infestations. These containers are widely available and are definitely worth the money.

Keep the dressing for a salad off to the side when you're having guests over for a meal. Some people love dressing in great huge globs, while others like a lighter taste. Some folks don't like any dressing at all, (or are watching their weight) so leave the dressing of salads up to your guests. Also, give a variety of different dressings.

Garlic is delicious; however the pungent aroma will get stuck on your hands. After using garlic or other foods with odors that stick to your hands, all you need to do is rub your hands on a piece of stainless steel, like your sink. This will clean your hands, while preventing any odors from being transferred to the next food item you touch.

Rather than using water or milk in a specific recipe, try a different liquid to add a new flavor. In place of water, try adding beef or chicken broth, juice or even water used to cook vegetables. Other dairy products such as buttermilk or sour cream can be used in place of milk. Using different liquids can add nutritional value, while at the same time punching up bland, old recipes.

A great starting point when looking to expand your cooking repertoire is your local library or bookstore. Look for cookbooks which contain basic and simple recipes for you to practice and have fun preparing. Experiment with a few, and be patient; remember, you're learning new skills.

Discover the benefits of utilizing a variety of colors when you are cooking. Colorful foods are normally more healthy and they are also prettier. You can choose colorful garnishments for your meals, like raw cherry tomatoes, parsley, cilantro, or carrot curls. Be innovative in using color, and watch your food get eaten up quickly.

Rub your hands on stainless steel before washing them, if they have a strong smell. You can use your stainless steel sink or a spoon to quickly remove the odor from your hands.

If you cooked with a sauce, save the leftover sauce in an ice cube tray that you can freeze. When you feel the need to create another meal, you will have them handy to heat up. This process doesn't cause the sauce to go bad, so reheat with confidence!

When serving a salad for guests that accompanies a meal, avoid pouring dressing on it. Leave the dressing on the side instead. This will allow your guests to control how much dressing they want to put on their salad. You should also provide a large variety of dressings to serve your guests.

There's something you can do to save your effort and your sauce. Combine 2 tbsp. of water with 1 tbsp. of corn starch in a bowl. Slowly add this mixture to your simmering sauce to thicken it up. For a sauce that's too thick, add more liquid.

It is possible to lower the fat and calorie content of mashed potatoes without impacting the taste or texture by replacing some of the potato content with cauliflower. Cauliflower's neutral taste means that it blends easily with the flavor of the potatoes, butter and milk. You'll still be able to enjoy mashed potatoes, but with less fat and calories!

If your regular serving of frozen veggies just is not cutting it any longer, shake things up a bit. By stirring some flaked coconut into your corn, you can enjoy a Thai-style dish that everyone will love.

When making a stir-fry meal, meat should always be thinly sliced, and cut on the bias. Very often this is difficult to master and takes a lot of time. Take the meat out as soon its gets firm (not frozen), then cut it across the grain at a forty-five degree angle.

Do you ever hesitate to toss moldy food? Do you wonder if you can still use the fruit by simply cutting out the part that seems overripe? Unfortunately, there is no healthy way of saving half rotten fruit. They need to be thrown out, due to the fact that mold is much deeper than just skin level and could make you or anyone who eats it very ill.

As your cooking abilities improve, start using more complex recipes. Hopefully you now see that cooking really doesn't have to be as complicated, and intimidating as you once thought. Your dishes will now be enjoyed by everyone.